Some peace while putting the pieces together

I am creating this at the new coffee shop in town. The owner and I just talked about a concept we're calling a "bright ripple". The bright ripple starts with one, builds to two, and keeps growing. It's positive action growing exponentially until it creates a tsunami of bright beauty and chases off the dark. Everyone get your boards and surf the ripple!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Pay it Forward!

There was a movie that came out ten years ago or so. My girlfriend at the time got it out and we spent the evening watching it. Pay it Forward wasn’t an especially great movie, but the message was. The concept of having someone do good for you and you passing the good deed forward to others is powerful. Is it happening in the Morgellons world? You bet! I wanted to share some of the people I see passing it forward, sharing their knowledge and skills and trying their best to pay it forward to others. Here they are- some of the people I consider Morgellons heros.

Mr. Commonsense- Here is a man who has taken endless hours of his time to try to bring some common sense into the confusion. He has posted a array of useful information on managing and healing from symptoms. His blog has plenty of followers and endless hits. I usually try to direct sufferers towards his blog ( to find well organized and worthwhile sharing on all things Morgellons. His most recent entry suggest some action to get the CDC to share information on Morgellons. He asks us to "Stay tuned"...I will and hope you will too!

Pam Crane- Pam has acted as a link between sufferers and competent health practitioners. She has regular online blog/radio shows which provide a wealth of information and allows call ins for questions. Her most recent interview is found at: Morgellons Focus on Health Online Radio by Morgellons Focus on Health | Blog Talk Radio

Ramona at Healing Grapevine- Ramona shares excellent information on healing through balance, detox, herbs and remedy success. She gives her writing a personal spin and does not hold back from opinion. Check it out at: .

Judith Knilan's- Wrote a book on her personal account with Morgellons and gave free access as an ebook (I have not been able to access this, but know others have. Give it a try with link at: She still contributes and shares as time allows (she is healing from cancer at the moment. Prayers and good thought are welcome!)

Others- I know there are others who have shared online. I cannot list all, but will make one general statement; it appears that all who document recovery or management of symptoms aggressively reclaim their bioterrain.

Future Hero= You! A common thread between people managing or eliminating these symptoms is detoxification. I know for myself it works and it appears I am not alone. I request everyone pursuing health document what they are going through. You never know who it might help. Pass it forward!

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