Some peace while putting the pieces together

I am creating this at the new coffee shop in town. The owner and I just talked about a concept we're calling a "bright ripple". The bright ripple starts with one, builds to two, and keeps growing. It's positive action growing exponentially until it creates a tsunami of bright beauty and chases off the dark. Everyone get your boards and surf the ripple!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Letter to the Editor of The Examiner, San Francisco

The CDC recently released and posted online Clinical, epidemiologic, histopathologic and molecular features of an unexplained dermopathy which included a map showing a cluster of Morgellons Disease sufferers associated with the Guadalupe River watershed downstream from the New Almaden Mercury Mines. While some in the medical world suggest this symptoms set best fits in the diagnosis of Delusional Parasitosis, my research and experience suggests symptoms relate to mercury toxicity (see Keleher in Explore! Journal for the medical professional- issues 17.4, 17.6, 20.5, and 21.1). Paresthesia (crawling, biting, poking sensations under/on skin) is a known symptom of mercury poisoning (see accounts of Minimata, Japan as well as Northern Iraq or do a search on of “mercury” and “parensthesia”). The best means of determining a systemic body burden of mercury may be testing gluathione levels. I believe further investigations are needed.

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