Some peace while putting the pieces together

I am creating this at the new coffee shop in town. The owner and I just talked about a concept we're calling a "bright ripple". The bright ripple starts with one, builds to two, and keeps growing. It's positive action growing exponentially until it creates a tsunami of bright beauty and chases off the dark. Everyone get your boards and surf the ripple!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Health- Sometimes Expensive, Sometimes Free

Though it’s a bit jumbled and emotionally-ridden, I wanted to share some thoughts on today’s health system. I know most everyone fighting Morgellons has some serious war stories...but also tear-jerkin' tender moments. 

The medical world is pretty frustrating. It seems the approach to “quality research” makes the professionals appear as Jane Goodall knockoffs studying the lifestyle of sloths. Come on, folks! Let’s move it! On cancer. On diabetes. On Morgellons!

When I returned to Cortez, CO not quite two years ago, I was saddened to hear my Primary Care Physician had died from a brain tumor. He was caring, sincere and willing to listen- all good characteristics. I’ve since found a replacement, but made him alert to my slant towards Functional Medicine.

I have for several years been promoting Functional Medicine though written and spoken words. I decided, if I could afford it, I should make an appointment with a nearby Practitioner who specializes in neurology and see if it was beneficial.  The phone receptionist told me my initial visit would be two hours long and cost me $720 out of pocket (they can’t take insurance…of course).

So, what is my point in sharing this? I question the need to make health assistance so expensive. Yes, medical professionals should make something for their knowledge, schooling, and experience, but when it becomes inaccessible to the general public because of cost, something is wrong.

Occasionally, those who are promoting health come through with a very good idea….and this one’s FREE! A detox summit will be offered online and should be very worthwhile. Here’s the link to check it out- I’m  impressed with the speaker line up. I did sign up as a Detox Summit Affiliate, primarily to promote the free content. 

Happy health! Joe